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CMII Extreme FoW Wish List

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We've heard a few tidbits of info on the new Extreme Fog of War setting for CMBB, but I'm hoping for a couple more things in the future to make it even more extreme:

1. Right now, when you lose sight of a unit and then see it again somewhere else, the "last seen at" marker disappears, so you are 100% sure that the unit is the same one you saw before. I'd like to see a 10% chance for the old marker to NOT go away. That way, I cannot be absolutely sure that this is the same unit I saw before. At just a 10% chance, it wouldn't lead to gamey tactics of popping a unit back and forth in and out of sight as it won't happen enough to make it worth the time or trouble.

2. Invisible "Enemy Exit" zone. Right now, from the start of a battle, I know with 100% certainty whether or not the enemy is planning on exiting the map. Not good. Nuff said.

Thanks, citizen

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What's so gamey about running units around a lot to simulate lot's of troops at a point. Isn't that just creating a diversion. A friend of mine and I were discussing recently ways of achieving exactly this. Put yourself in a real life situation. You want to attack on the right so you send a platoon to the left and tell them to act like there's lots of them. They repeatedly move across an exposed point while sneaking back around to make the enemy think that the attack is coming from there. Once you see his forces move to combat this 'threat' you attack the right. That seems like a reasonable tactic to me.

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