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CMMOS or CM Mod Manager?

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Which is the most useful? I have both, the cm mod manager for CMBO and CMMOS for CMBB. There arent too many mods that are CMMOS compatable. And being that there arent tons of mods yet for CMBB that can be a liability. On the other hand, I like its interface something fierce, it is not only handy, its COOL! And it seems to work more surely than the Mod Manager.

What do you guys think?

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Well, no one has answered this because posters typically steer clear of the this-mod-is-better-than-that-mod spiel. It creates animosity and fosters discontent. And someone always gets their feelings hurt.

I haven't seen the current version of Mod Manager but I used it all the time for CMBO. The old version did not require a lot of standardization on the modders part so it was quick and efficient. CMMOS is wonderful but there's a serious lack of compliance right now. (EDIT: I should say, those responsible for CMMOS are writing excellent tutorials to help modmakers along with this). The mods that are for download along with the program, however, are well worth it. Hell, get 'em both. See which one works for you.

[ December 10, 2002, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: jmbunnelle ]

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