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L'Elle River

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Is this scenario winnable playing as Allied? I have tried just about everything and cannot get even a standoff. I am a new player, but have been at it for a couple of years, so it's not total incompetence that creates my problem with this scenario. Any tips for a frustrated newbie?

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Hi, I designed the scenario, but it's been a while ago. Some general tips, hope it helps:

- don't try to advance across the whole map width, mass your forces for the push through enemy positions

- don't rush it; get a feel for where the enemies defenses seem weaker and the make a coordinated attack through that gap or gaps - the scenario is fairly long, so you can some extra care

- leave some reserves trailing the main force and when you run into a stubborn defensive position, pin it with the main force and outflank it with the reserves

- use the bocage to your advantage to do that, as it nicely can shield you from line of sight once you figured out where the enemy is

some more specific hints, revealing scenario specific information:















- you can move part of your force between two setup zones (the rightmost and the leftmost one, I believe?) - I find it easier to attack down the left edge of the map

- make sure you leave sufficient forces to defend the flag in town; the enemy will counterattack this with strong reinforcements

- there really aren't enough bunkers for the Germans on the map; if you run out of time, smoke them to make them blind, then rush frontally

- the initial push across the river is actually fairly easy if you keep pushing swiftly, but slow down before you enter town

- dismount whatever is on the trucks you get, and hide the trucks!; use them to rush an infantry platoon as reinforcements right into town towards the end of the game

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