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Good God BTS/BFC did you forget anything???

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I can't freakin believe it. I opened up my game at 5:30pm installed (which only took me about 10 mins) and have been going through all the infantry types and vehicle types. :eek: It is now 12:44 A.M. and I am still not done. Its time now to quit looking at actually play the thing.

You guys really have done yourselfs with CMBB, AW screw it nothing I can say will express the appreciation for this game, even if I sat here and typed 10,000 words.

Thanks guys its the best money I've spent since CMBO. You guys ROCK!!!!

I'm heading out and back to the game, I just wanted to express my appreciation to all you guys.

A very happy customer :D


[ September 24, 2002, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

I really should order the darn thing one of these days. I may decide to wait until October so I can be one of the few people here to blow their entire month's paycheck (very little) on CMBB. Would the honor be worth it?

If you got the funds, I highly recommend buying CMBB. I promise it will be worth your hard earned cash.
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