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starlight shells?

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Apologies if there is another thread on this topic, but I couldn't find anything in a search of the archives.

I wonder why CM doesn't allow for the use of starlight shells in night battles, at least by off-board artillery. I don't know how common these were in WWII but certainly they were used in WWI. Seems to me they'd be at the appropriate scale/time frame of a CM battle.

Is this something that could be included in a patch?

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Sorry, but what are starligth shells ?

I wonder why there are no phosphor shells and smoke grenades for infantry. The manual says these things havent been used that much but in many publications concernimg WW II these weapons do appear !

For example: German assault engineers use "Nebelkerzen" (smokegrenades) in close combat with enemy tanks...

Cheers !

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Allow me to drudge up some ol CMBO knowledge.

Charles and Steve and Matt and I think Dan all commented at one point or another each that their research led them to a few things.

1.) Smoke grenades by and large were used as a marking device more than a combat device.

2.) The same also is true for WP.

No admittedly this may not hold true in other theatres but I will stand by BFC's research on this one.

As far as StarShells go there are a couple of issues. One is I am not sure there is a legitimate reason that is based on history and useage. The main reason for their absence is that their is not dynamic lighting in the current engine (the re-write I believe will have it) and that prevents the proper implementation of StarShells.

And lastly CMBO is a completed product, there will be no more patches.


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