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PBEM setup phase?

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I am just starting a new pbem game for the first time. My opponent sent me his setup file (I presume that he chose the scenario or created one), and the game asks me for a new password and sends me to the unit choosing screen; I choose my units without having seen the map, and when I am finished the game saves the file and tells me to send it, which is what I do.

I still haven't seen the map; is this normal? It seems to me that I should have seen the map and have an idea of the terrain before I chose my units. Did I miss something?


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Guest Chris B

>>I still haven't seen the map;

> he dosn't see the map also.

FYI, if the computer picks forces, your opponent can open the file he sends to you and see the map, and see your exact forces. Try it.

This way is much better.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris B:

FYI, if the computer picks forces, your opponent can open the file he sends to you and see the map, and see your exact forces. Try it.

This way is much better.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for the info.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris B:

>>I still haven't seen the map;

> he dosn't see the map also.

FYI, if the computer picks forces, your opponent can open the file he sends to you and see the map, and see your exact forces. Try it.

This way is much better.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That aint right..

So the key here is to avoid PBEM games with computer selected forces. Or, at least be the sender of the firts set-up file, eh?

What a drag this "window" is, as computer selected random forces kind of add to the games enjoyability.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kunzler:

"What a drag this "window" is, as computer selected random forces kind of add to the games enjoyability."

Just play opponents you trust. If you have to worry about them cheating, you shouldn't be playing them.


Well thing is who knows who you can trust? Like Frank Zappa said, "...your Momma says she loves ya', but she could be lying too..."

Had to try and test this, as I thought it such "a drag" and in ver 1.03 you cannot open the file within the game at all without first selecting a password, hence giving away your devious intel gather endeavors.

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