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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Want to tackle the AI for a change?

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Got one made for AI play only - Should give even a vet a hard time ;)

Here's the description - if you want to give it a go - let me know and I'll mail it to you

"This scenario is for Human vs AI only. Human takes Allied.

The idea behind this scenario is 3 fold:

1) It will give you an opportunity to use & experience the 14" & 7" masterblasters :) Just beware!! - Keep your troops well away!

2) You'll get to use the AVRE's - very usefull against bunkers, but their range is very short

3) You'll have to deal with extensive minefields and bunkers - look after your engineers!! If you don't know how to remove mines with engineers it might be adviseable to set up a practise scenario first :)

So stick to the basics: Scout; Bombard; Scout; smoke; remove mines - be patient & Good luck - You'll need it :) "

BTW - it's 40 round medium size

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