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The American Heavy Weapons Platoon

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Longtime reader first time poster

I am looking for suggestions and comments on the deployment of the American heavy weapons platoon that is attached to an infantry co.

Do you deploy the machine guns and mortar teams to individual platoons ?. or use use them as their own element.

And what was done historically?.

Again all comments Suggestions are welcome



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris5110:

I am looking for suggestions and comments on the deployment of the American heavy weapons platoon that is attached to an infantry co.

Do you deploy the machine guns and mortar teams to individual platoons ?. or use use them as their own element.

And what was done historically?.


Although I rarely take my own advice, I suggest using elements of the heavy weapons platoon for suppression fire to break up attacks on defense (to lengthen the time for OPFOR to reach your MLR) and to suppress key OPFOR positions during attacks. Once your maneuvering units are within closing range, then overwhelm them with small arms fire. Unfortunately, it's hard to get them to surrender frown.gif

My preferred method of deployment is, well, mission- and terrain-dependent. Say my mission is to hold a particular portion of real estate. On the defense with limited LOS, I'd probably parcel out the HW elements based on terrain and rely on the rifle platoons to react to OPFOR's movements. With unlimited LOS, I'd probably concentrate my firepower to funnel OPFOR's movements so my rifle platoons can overwhelm a small portion of OPFOR.

Historically, the Coy CO carried their own bias on HW platoon deployment. I read in one book where the CO preferred keeping the mortar teams together since it was easier C&C. The MG teams, on the other hand, would be parcelled out depending on the mission.

Suggested reading: Band of Brothers, S. Ambrose, Messengers of the Lost Battalion, G. Orfalea, Parachute Infantry, D. Webster, and The Men of Company K, H.P. Leinbaugh and J.D. Campbell

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Guest kking199

I am finding that keeping the platoon together can have benefits if used correctly. I personally find that the mortars, in particular, seem to be more effective when grouped. I will agree with Monticello that it is situation depedent, so I would encourage trying different tactics/configurations.

If I have ample transport and can move it relatively safely I will create a Mobile Heavy Weapons Platoon, keep it in reserve, and send it where needed. This is very effective if you have HT's, you can pull up with 2 HT's and with a turn have 5 MG's lay down a whithering wall of lead. I always keep a HQ with this mobile group.

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I too keep my mortars grouped. Again based on th OPFOR you either need to lay down cover fire with your MGs or need to find a good field of fire for defensive purposes. I too have read that the CO's would distrubute the HWs as seen fit to complete its mission. Since you are the CO you will have to decide what exactly you want to do with your troops and develop a skill in using these platoons. Do not forget that the mortars can fire indirect fire too, so long as they are in CnC with a HQ that has LOS. As any good CO you need to reherse(practice) to see what is best for you. You create a simple scenario with Just a heavy weapons Company and try all the metioned techniques against a force of your choice. Try this first with practice you will be better able to understand how to use these special companies. I even did this with engineers to see how they take out fortifications and it has helped me greatly in all my scenarios.



"Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after they occur."

General Guilio Douhet


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Guest Germanboy

In the attack I usually parcel it out. The benefit from having the support available on platoon level seems very high to me.



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