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Organization Tools in Updates?

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I'm just wondering if anybody else sees potential utility to the implementation of some organizational support tools within CMBB (and CMBO)?

Such tools might more easily allow the player to 1) identify HQs (Company & Batallion) & subordinate units, 2) see unit status more efficiently, 3) identify units under fire etc. This could speed the players battlefield awareness and allow for better informed gameplay.

I could see several methods of implementation, the easiest would be tabular displays, where units would be listed in an organizationally intuitive manner, with listing for useful info (e.g. moral, fatigue). One could then use the tabular info to select units and issue orders. Also, the ability to sort tables by heading types is often useful. Uncommon Valor has a host of extremely useful and intuitive tabular tools as an example. Another method (as with Close Combat) would be on-screen indicators (e.g. colored bars or outlines). Maybe there are other ideas, some easier than others to implement.

Anyway, for large, or huge scenarios and operations such readily accessible organization tools might be really helpful.

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That has been discussed for a long time. As far as I know the answer was that it would be easy to implement, but a unit spreadsheet would distract from the feeling of being company/battalion commander who in reality has a quite limited knowledge of details once the battle has begun.

The more troops you have, the less you care about micromanagement. If it makes you overlook things, maybe that's what was intended by omitting statistics.

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Originally posted by Zarquon:

[QB]That has been discussed for a long time. As far as I know the answer was that it would be easy to implement, but a unit spreadsheet would distract from the feeling of being company/battalion commander who in reality has a quite limited knowledge of details once the battle has begun.

Hmm... I'm begining to think that a way to more quickly locate units (as opposed to the full-scale "show everything" spreadsheet OOB) might help immersion/realism. I find moving up to mapview 4+ and going to Size 4 and possibly turning off the trees is the quickest way to move around the battlefield and select units... but such not exactly what a Batt. or Co. commander did historically, is it?

I'd rather keep at veiw 3 or less (preferably 1 or 2) most of the time, the graphics realistic-as-possible (Size "0", all trees/doodads on) and use a menu/table of some sort to go directly to the unit I want. The +/- keys work... but the larger the battle the more unpleasent cycling through the all units becomes.

If any sort of OOBish table is anathema to BFC, maybe a "minimap" sort of thing for the next CM, that just shows basic terrain features and the location of friendlies? Click on a dot to slect/move view to that location? Much like one of the overhead views with large Sized units, but the whole thing is smaller. And transparent? It could overlay your "realistic" view of the battlefield when you need it, then go away, leaving you again looking over the shoulder of your doomed PzIII ("Hey, look, do you think that's an entire Guards battalion?"), or whatever.

[ November 07, 2002, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Tarqulene ]

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