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Hedgerows (Bocage)

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I have noticed that the Hedgerows that come with CM really dont give you the feeling of

being in a sunken road. They look more like high hedges. I am working on a new scenario in Bocage country and came up with this idea. Since the roads appear to be sunken because the Hedgerows are made of mounds of dirt infested with trees and thick Shrubbery, why not sink the roads. It really gives you the impression that you are being overwhelmed by the Hedgerows and looks a lot more accurate. Here is a screen capture with my idea in mind. Let me know what you think.

<center> Hedgerow.jpg </center>


"If Patton were alive today,he'd play Combat Mission."

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Yea, I've done the same thing. See Epsom -Counterattack! I like to raise the hederows above the surounding terrain and sink some of the roads, giving a pretty dramatic height difference. Lining the roads with scatered trees also adds to the effect. The raised hedgerows are nice because you still get the "hedgerow effect" when you have gaps of scatered trees in the rows, the height of the row still blocks LOS from one side to the other, but tanks can pass through.


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Guest Michael emrys

Panzer Man, I like your basic idea. But two things: I notice your hedgerow goes up and down in a sawtooth fashion. I've never seen anything like that in photos from Normandy. Although there were definitely hills, all that I have seen where there were hedgerows and lanes were pretty even. In fact, mostly they were straight and level.

And the last thing is, why does Sgt. Sheridan have captain's bars on his helmet? He could end up in the stockade for impersonating an officer.



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I agree Michael,but thats the way the program

places the Hedges,because of the incline.There is nothing I know of to cure that.The main thing is to give you the impression that you are being overwhelmed by the Hedgerows,I think it does this well.The Hedgerows without the sunken road look like huge hedges,really nothing like the real Bocage of Normandy.This gives you a much more realistic effect.Especially when the Tanks cut through them.As for the Captains Bars..I agree.I loaded that mod and couldn't believe it..If I knew that would happen I would never have done it..LOL..


"If Patton were alive today,he'd play Combat Mission."

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