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Behind enemy lines - 2 player testers requires

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Just sent this off to Scenario Depot, but it need some testing:

Name: Wrong End

Version 1.02

35 turns; March 45; Dawn; Damp; Overcast; ME - starting with Brit glider troops holding one end of an airfield and SS Mot inf the other. These are later joined by US and Heer combined forces.

The AI gets itself into a knot because the initial forces are all 'behind enemy lines' so to speak - so this scenario's only suitable for PBEM or 2 player.

Gen Description:

In the hectic days of March Monty tried another airborne attack. This one was much smaller. The Red Fox Glider Battalion under Colonel Red Grinswick landed on a German airbase 20 miles behind German lines with instructions to hold it until the 3rd Corps arived. The airfield was of no concern to Monty... the foxes were being sacrifised to divert the Germans from the crossing of the Saar further east. General Rouvleis did'nt think the airfield was worth fighting for either, but he did'nt like having partroopers encamped 15 kilometers from his HQ. So he sent a mixed bag of units undergoing refit to sweep up the pesky English. 35 Hours later the 3rd Corps had still not arrived and Grinswck's battalion had been mangled down to a single Company. The Germans lost most of a Motorized Inf Battallion as well as a Volkssturm Batallion. The fighting had see-sawed throughout the day, with first one side then the other taking control of the airfield. During the night things got very confusing and when dawn came, both sides realised that during the chaos of the night they had managed to swop sides...

Each side was in control of one end of the airfield, but it was the wrong end...

If you like what you read - e-mail me and I'll send it along or dwnload it from the Scenario Depot once it's there

Johan 'Biltong' Brittz


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