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Problem with team Desobry

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Is anyone aware of a bug in this scenario?

I just finished the first mission and the AI got a total axis victory....despite me inflicting heavy damage on them...

20 vehicles destroyed 91 casualties (21 KIA)

I lost 5 vehicles and suffered 30 casualties (12 KIA)

I just don't get it can anyone shed some light on this

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I got roughly the same result--I trashed the Germans, not quite as badly as you did, but the Axis won a total victory despite taking more losses than I did and not penetrating the town of Noville. I went back and looked at the scenario briefing, and I think it has to do with not letting them outflank you on the right and cut the road to Bastogne. I'd just assumed that the mission was simply to hold Noville at all costs. If having the road cut does indeed lose you the scenario, I'd appreciate it if operation designers could be more explicit with the victory conditions, given that there's no flags on the map. I had really enjoyed the scenario, and felt a bit let down when it came to such an abrupt conclusion, especially as it would not have been that difficult to hold the road.

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