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Fire Brigade available, two others need playtesters

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A new scenario has been sent to the CM-HQ, called "the Fire Brigade". It has been tested and got good comments. It depicts a late winter local breakthrough by a force from a U.S. armored division, meeting what the Germans sent to stop it. There is limited intel for both sides, which is half the fun.

Two other scenarios are also done and ready for testing. One is called "Get the Guns", and is set during the Ardennes fighting. It depicts a German raid on a U.S. artillery battery. This one is a night scenario.

The other is called "the Kids", and is set in April of 1945. It depicts an American motorized infantry force attack, on a German village defended by some "enthusiatic" young men - in the rain.

I am looking for playtesters for the second two in particular. The first should become available at the CM-HQ scenario depot, shortly. If you want to playtest, please email me at -


- rather than simply replying here. That way I will get your reply email off of your header and such.

[This message has been edited by jasoncawley@ameritech.net (edited 02-04-2001).]

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