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Wild Bill's SPR scenario (no spoilers)

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Want to let you know I had a lot of fun playing your SPR scenario. Due to some luck and unforseen circumstances (setting fire to some buildings with bazooka backblasts denied the enemy a good axis of advance) I managed a major victory and denied both objectives to the Germans. The HQ group took no casualties, so I also saved Pvt. Ryan.

Without presenting any spoilers I think the key to this one is springing a devastating ambush and finding defensive positions with very short lines of fire. That said, against a human I don't see how the allies can win this one. Has anyone managed it vs. a competent German opponent?

One question, WB, why is the Alamo so barren? A building or two down there would be great for defending the bridge. Thanks WB!

(edit to fix typo)

[This message has been edited by Lebo (edited 08-05-2000).]

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You don't get a good view of the area in the movie and I was uncertain as to what to place there. It probably could be built up a bit though I don't think it should affect scenario play.

Thanks Lebo. One of my favorites too...WB


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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