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External program for Combat Mission..

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Would it be hard for someone to program an external shell for Combat Mission?

The program would simulate a campaign game for Combat Mission.

My idea would be to take a portion of the western front. say for example the northern western front with Belgium and Holland and some of france.

Then you divide the map into smaller maps.. maps you can make in Combat Mission.. say for example 2km x 2km or whatever the largest map you can make with it.

The more important maps like Nijmegen, Arnhem, airports and other important bridges and places should be made manually.

if it's not that important spot it could be made with the random map generator in Combat Mission.

Then you should be able to start with different units on the map which you yourself would be able to input.

say for example one division to keep it simple.

with all the men,weapons and vehicles with ammo.

After that the user himself should be able to divide that division into "battle groups".

Then the program should be able to simulate movements with the different battlegroups on the big map in real time.

This game would only function as a two player game.. no AI should be included.

So both sides could give orders to each units on their side and watch their battlegruoups move.

When two battlegroups comes within range of eachother it could go into "Combat Mission" mode where each player would buy whatever they would have in that specific battlegroup and simulate tha battle.

After action you could yourself input your casualties and continue the campaign.

The game would keep track of ammo and experience after you input them from Combat Mission.

Next step would be to implement Artillery and Air strikes into the campaign. And also supply lines and logistics.

Would this be hard for a programmer to do??

since no AI would be needed.. just a TCP/IP connection between two computers.

Any other opinion?

Since I can't program I can't do this myself.. =)


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Good idea (which has been considered before :)

The consensus is that this system could be made to work well if BTS released / produced an API / file interface so that the 'external wrapper' could set up battles in CM and take the results out of CM and store them, etc.

BTS have said in the past that they will produce such an interface, but not just at the moment (CMBB et al keeping them busy).

When it comes, there is no doubt that someone will produce such a system.


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