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Infantry Waves

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How historically true is this type of attack and is it worth trying? I have had the AI do this to me several times. They lose 4:1 men ratio and they still charge me. I have tried to ambush them. Attack at long range. (they still charge sometimes) I stopped opening up on them at 300M for I will run out of ammo and they still come. How do I solve this problem?

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Didn't happen much on the western front. More common to be used by the Russians on the eastern front. Doesn't sound like much of a problem for you if you had a 4 to 1 kill ratio. Has this ever proved a sucessful tacic for the AI against you?

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The AI only is sucsessfull with this tactic when I give him a 50-100% bonus. Even with the kill ratio he still comes at me. Also he uses this tactic as well when it is an even game. I can't understand why he has his men just charge till they're in the same foxhole as me.

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Because it's an AI? It'll blithely advance to contact with spotters, even, and will often lead with vehicles right into ambushes... coordinating an attack with as many units as there are in CM, with as complicated a map, is presumably a very hard problem for a machine.

If memory serves, the tactic should work better in CM:BO than in reality, since moving troops still get some cover from the terrain, and the machineguns are undermodeled -- at least, both are being changed for CM:BB.

If you play the AI in a QB, take the offensive for a better game.

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