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Do non-arriving reinfocements count towards scenario points?

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I'm putting together a little operation featuring an American Airborne raid to take a pair of bridges at night and defend them during the day. It's coming along nicely (attacking at night is really not the plan.) but I've got a question about points and reinforcements.

I'd like the glider boys to every couple of play throughs be reinforced by a US Rifle company and a couple of shermans or stuarts. So I created a reinforcement slot for battle 4 with an arrival chance of 10%. All well and good.

Now, the germans are bringing some serious hardware to the party, and if the Glider boys aren't reinforced, they'll be lucky to have a broken half squad left after 10 battles (this is on purpose). If they are reinforced, they should be able to hold the bridge fairly well.

My question is, when evealuating who won the operation will the game engine count points of reinforcements that never arrive towards victory, or will it act like they were never included in the scenario at all?

Also, if anyone would like to play test the op, let me know and I'll send you a copy in a day or two when it's roughly done. Thanks!

- Bill (Photon)

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