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Infantry Advance !

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Well seems some people are still having difficuly getting to grips with this game.

Below in another thread (my opinion of this game the prequal) I had a swipe at the whingers. (Battlefront dont listen to them, infantry is much better in CMBB)

However rather than take swipes I thought I could do something more constructive.

How about a post dedicated to our ideas about succesfully implementing an infantry advance.

Then those that are having problems can use these to overcome there frustrations and be reborn in the resplendent glory of CMBB.

This is from the post mentioned above.

what works for me is to make sure of two things they work in unison to help (not gaurentee) that some ( hardly never all) of your infantry arrives in cover.

2. Dont ever have just one squad advancing at a time. Make sure you have more than one squad on the advance.Try a minimum of two groups of two full platoons at slightly different places say left flank and mid to left flank ( I try to use the formula: for every three platoons two advance one covers). This gives then enemy multiple targets so some of your squads will get through.After this advance the other flank. If your troops are reg and below you must accept that some will break off the advance and hit mud. You are just trying to get the majority into position. Once they are they can poor fire on the enemy and those units that hit mud can maybe make the last few metres to cover.

2.Suppresion Suppresion Suppresion. Use your infantry to make up the numbers on the advance, but never never never advance till you have all your support weapons in place. Thats everything that can provide fire support. AFV,halftracks mg's mortars everything. Have every element in position to cover the advance of your squads.

Other tips would be dont advance till the time is right. If you have an afv unopposed, spend time blasting away at enemy positions. If you notice a weak lane of fire exploit it, or if not try and create one.Wait till you see there mg's break and attempt to sneak away.

On each map there will be one or two maybe three critical points of advance, your whole strategy must be to manouvre all your assets to complete these advances.

I still get it wrong and see whole advance break down into chaos but I dont blame the engine, I blame war and myself for implementing a flawed plan. Advancing under fire aint supposed to be easy. The succesfull advance and its exucution has now become a (if not the) essential element to CMBB gameplay and this is one of the fundemental reasons I prefer it over CMBO.

I would add that the most difficult advance is an early one. If right at the start of a map you have to cover open ground this gives the enemy perfect opportunity to take shots without being spotted and therfore suppressed and this can be further excerbated by his abilty to switch between firing units so as to furhter inhibit spotting. So advances are in fact harder at long range from the enemy rather than close.

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I had some problems with infantry attacks in a QB. How would you recommend an attack against a layered defense, where you can only get close enough to suppress the first line, but the next lines can still fire effectively at squads crossing open ground?

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