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HT's fire control...

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In every scenario I have made(as the german side),it was very annoying to see the HT firing anytime ,anywere and from every distance with no discrimination at all.Even when buttoned up,they won't stop firing! That way,when I get close to the ennemy positions,I am ammoless.So,what can I do with them now?

Is there any way to hold their fire,or at least to reduce the chance to fire? Thanks in advance!

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If you look at the stats for the axis HTs (hit enter when you have them selected) you'll notice that the MG is listed as being "forward" rather than "flexible". This means that axis HTs can fire whilst buttoned and so keep their crew safe from enemy fire without losing their offensive capability.

The best suggestion I can give is to keep your HTs out of sight for as long as possible, then race up to your troops objective as quickly as possible, leaving your HTs at close range. This has the added benefit of keeping your HTs safe from enemy fire.

The other observation is that the HTs are actually quite effective at longer ranges, where they are not vunerable to infantry AT weapons.

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With the exception that your German Halfies will probably fire at nearby threats pretty much no matter what you order, you may want to put those halfies on 'hide'. At least this way those halfies probably would not fire at longer range threats. :D:D

Also, keep those German halfies away from 50 cals at 500 meters and below. At 500 meters & below, 50 cals will toast German halfies. :eek: :eek:

Cheers, Richard :cool: :cool:

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