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These Hills ARE Alive

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What did people think of "These Hills"? A buddy of mine designed it. There've been 340+ downloads of it, its been given 4 stars, but he was a little disappointed in not getting more specific feedback from people. I think he'd like to hear from people; for that matter, if you've enjoyed anybody else's scenarios, give them some positive feedback, it helps them believe they're not nuts for devoting so much time to designing a scenario.

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Unfortunately, this lack of user feedback is something that those of us who devote time and energy to designing custom scenarios (or even mini-campaigns) for the CM community will, most likely, have to live with. As CM continues to grow in popularity, the number of user-built scenarios is becoming more and more prolific. Perhaps this veritable plethora of available missions has something to do with why many players don't consider it important or necessary to offer up some constructive feedback after game play. The reasons why an individual doesn’t respond may be as varied as the number of custom missions. Your guess is as good as mine.

As for "These Hills," I personally have not had the chance to download it or the vast majority of the other user scenarios for that matter. Actually, I'm still trying to find time to play through the CM originals. However, if I had played it, I most certainly would have taken the time to at least rate it. (Even the simple ratings system at CMHQ Scenario Depot appears to generate only an average 5% response rate.)

As a designer, it's nice to "hear" from those who download and play your offerings, but I wouldn't rely too heavily upon user feedback. The lack, therein, may only serve to discourage you. If you enjoy creating custom scenarios, then do it for the sheer pleasure of it. I, for one, spent several days (and nights) creating a mini-campaign. The only “articulated” feedback I've received to-date was a nice side comment within the context of another topic. But, that's OK. I didn't create "Any Port" for the attention. I did it because I desired to. Any positive feedback is just an added bonus.

BTW, Armdchair, tell your friend that his efforts are appreciated…if not in words, certainly in spirit.


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I did play this scenario and enjoyed it very much. The only tweaks I would make would be the addition of some rifle platoons to cover the early AT units on the German side. I found it too easy to clear these units as I advanced my infantry. The inclusion of covering fire for these AT units may draw the American armor in for the kill.

The second tweak I would make would be to cut back the number of reinforcements on the American side. I found I had to many to handle near the end ,but then again I am a cautious fellow and the joy for me is completing the mission with the fewest casualties.

All in all "These Hills are Alive" was very enjoyable and I voted it a 4.0

Terry "groundpounder" Flemming

BTW: please try my scenario "Victory in the Vineyards".

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Scepter, groundpounder, thanks for the feedback. My buddy Mike Gonzalez aka GonzoAttacker will be pleased to see this. I had the privelege and dubious honor of playtesting "These Hills" for him, as well as a brutal new Vosges scenario he'll be coming out with soon. I warn you he's getting better and more vicious as a designer. That learning curve is working all in his favor.

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