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Burning Terrain Problem

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Something I noticed in making my volcano scenario: burning terrain tiles don't "stick".

In my volcano, I have a central crater with 4 burning grain fields at the bottom, which gives a very nice visual effect of a smoldering volcano. However, EVERY time I opened up the map for a new editing session, these burning tiles were gone and replaced by regular open ground.

When I put the burning terrain back in place and saved the file again, they were there when I played the game. However, next time I opened the file with the editor, they were gone again.

So this is just something you have to remember to check each time you edit a scenario with burning terrain. It'll save OK, but it might not be there when you repoen the file for further tweaking, and if you forget to check, you might not have it in the game when you play.



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 07-02-2000).]

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Don't know if this is related to your problem, but it seems similar. Buildings on slopes similarly disapear in the editor. I discovered this when placing two buildings adjacent, the first one level higher than the second. The second disapeared. This may be related to your problem, especially if your burning grain is on a slope (as I might expect it to be in a volcano). This is not a huge problem (in my eyes) but it is something to be aware of when designing towns. The editor will not show this problem, only the preview.


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