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The Seam - looking for psychological support

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Dude. Sorry about your day; I tried to save it.

I went and loaded this thing... you've got to be joking me. My poor little iBook can barely count that many men, let alone render them. So I will neither be commisserating nor enlightening, sorry!

I've lost 2 out of 2 in _Directive #3_ though... does that help? smile.gif


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you managed to shellshock me for a second.

Especially because shortly before I read the first part of your reply I found a review at the scenario depot where someone suggested to blast through the German defenses to attack their reinforcements where they arrive at the map edge during a mid-game turn.

Blasting through defenses in less than half the turns assigned to the whole battle in a Rune scenario is certainly way beyond my capabilities.

Well, keyboards aren´t expensive anymore. qwer+#++234 lgd 20ß9jrfklöjscad

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The initial deployments are weak. Sure they have a couple of things that can take out your tanks, but all together they are rather weak. The initial assault by the Soviets, altho suffering heavy casualties, broke through the line, and the Panzer unit that move up to support could not stop the flood of Russian troops. You need to do the same.


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many thanks for the advice. I´ll try to do this although the task makes me feel like participating in one of these Russian human waves which attacked without weapons.

If not I tink I have to change it to "The Wimp" in the editor.



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Yes, but obviously they never got that far...the Russians had broke through, and the unit was used to dam the flood, which they could not do, since the Russians were pouring through. The Russians actually accomplished what they hoped for in little Saturn, and at one point, took control of thr closest airfields and rail that were trying to supply Stalingrad. I have created a scenario on the German counter-attack to take back the airfield, it is in the final testing phase.


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