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Beam us down, Herr Schottie!

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Stop me if you've heard this one, as I haven't checked if there has already been a discussion on this.

Whilst playing a scenario involving a Tiger (Villers-Bocage, I think), I had managed to outflank and immobilize an enemy Tiger.

On the next turn, my intention was to move in for the kill from behind the immobilised and hapless enemy; only to find (HEY PRESTO!) three enemy tanks blocking my path.

The most annoying thing about this was not the new challenge set for me, but the fact they had appeared on an open road less than ten yards in front of my outflanking tank.

I had no idea the Germans could teleport, and it just spoiled the whole game for me as I spent the rest of the time cursing and trying to figure out how they had leapt from nowhere.

Perhaps the Enterprise helped ;)

If reinforcements are to be used in a scenario can we please ensure they do not 'materialize' in the middle of a battlefield? Please?

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