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A Map.

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Just a quicky to say i have done a map, based on actualy normandy aerial photo from 44 on my site (see sig). Note its just a map (with start zones)not a scenario as i like to do the "select your units and pass to a 3rd party to place on the map" sort of thing.

farmland-sm.jpg Click to enlarge it!

I have quite a few more aerial photo's from which to do maps if people find that this works well/ looks good.

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I wouldnt even pretend to believe i could have the patience to do one. I take long enough just choosing my side in a quick battle!

Anyone who cares to is welcome to do a scenario with it.

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Originally posted by Pud:

I wouldnt even pretend to believe i could have the patience to do one. I take long enough just choosing my side in a quick battle!

Anyone who cares to is welcome to do a scenario with it.

I'd be interested... do you have any other information about any action that took place there or is this a map of a part of Normandy that could have seen action and didn't?

Also if you could send a few aerial photos my way... I've been looking for some for the longest time... but all the maps stops I've found require money that I don't have ;)

Great Map!


PS: When you send the map, please send any info you want attached to the Intro such as map designed by Pud, email addy, based off of (aerial map info), etc... that way I can include it in the scenario

[ May 08, 2002, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: Jaldaen ]

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