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Aircraft - crack shots

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Originally posted by Gary T:

[in another scenario I witnessed the most effective air attack to date - I had five stationary trucks loaded with men. A Stuka dropped one bomb (a pretty big one judging by the crater) and it between 20 and 40 metres from the trucksAll five trucks burst into flames - 3 squads and platoon HQ elminated entirely and 1/2 of another squad. I had to laugh... smile.gif [/QB]

I'll go you one better. <g> I was doing a PBEM scenario where my tanks were numerous, impressive (lots of SU-122's and some ASU-152's, plus T-34's) but not able to go up against a mixed company of Panthers/Tigers frontally, so I had them hull down behind a plateau in the German's path. As I waited for the on-coming panzers, a German plane flew over and dropped a 500 kg bomb. The bomb landed about 40m behind one tank which was towards the center of a ~200m-long line of a dozen hull down assault guns and T-34's. I had five AFV commanders killed and four assault guns gun-damaged out of the 12 AFV's in the firing line (one poor SU-122 lost both its gun and commander.) Between the shock from the crew loss and the gun-damaged SU's/ASU's, I was down fully two-thirds of my strength when the lead Tiger crested the rise on the next turn. Fortunately I still had some T-34/85's off to the side, so we nailed the big cats with flank shots, but the airstrike was awesome. Jim
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I had 2 IL-2 in my last game, they did some reasonable damage to halftracks etc but coudlnt do jack against the heavier armour, 1 eventually got shot down. They are certainly not the be all and end all, especiall when i could have spent the points on a 300mm rocket barage - however 1 thing that planes do seem to be good for, is recon.

Still havnt heard much about the odd thing i saw in my first game of cm:bb, where 1 bomb destroyed all but 2 units within LOS (about 5 vehicles and 4 tanks as well as numerous infantry squads) over a large distance (500-600 meters).

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