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CMMBB Computer Games Editors Choice

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4 1/2 stars out of 5! The summary paragraph follows, as CG online no longer allows you to view the mags articles. Robert Mayer states after outlining minor issues (all stated somewhere on this forum ;) ),

"Still, complaining about such things is like bemoaning the fact that your Dom Perignon came in a slightly dusty glass. This is the champagne of tactical wargames, and the best vintage at that. It's not a substitute for all other game systems, any more than champagne is a substitute for a good Beaujolais or a fine pilsner, but both Combat Mission games remain the most comprehensive and extensible tactical wargames ever made for the personal computer. The only real question is what Battlefront will do for an encore, and whether that too will take another two or three years."
Zdorovie, BFC!!! :cool:
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