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Worth getting?

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Originally posted by eyelevel:

whereas this can be played and played and played with differing gameplay each time,

CM is like this (for me): if you read about some kind of tactics or some military doctrine or whatever, you can use the scenario editor to try it out and learn about it. If you build a scale model of a vehicle, you know from personal experience (almost) how it functions. If you read in a book that the fighting around Driel was 'hell' you can say, yeah I know, I know. You can play so many different kinds of engagements that it never gets dull. The only real problem is that it might take over your life and ruin your situation at work, in your family, with your friends etc etc. This is simply one excellent game, for gamers who like to spend time thinking about their moves.
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Well there's no need for me to worry about the game taking over my life as I cannot work due to ill health etc..... so I have plenty of time on my hands and to be honest and I know most people won't think of me in the same light now I am saying this but I have a Mental Health problem and well, suffice it to say that my brain is not as it should be and its been like that from birth, so I like to get into games that will force me to try and think, its just that most times I need twice as long to think than most, there bet that's put people off wanting to play me by email LOL!! :D

No but seriously I do struggle and need to keep my mind occupied, and this game sounds just the ticket, not forgetting the original too of course!

Chris ;)

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