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Okay, while I'm sure this has been answered in the past, a search turned up a ton more posts than I have time to sit through. Quick and easy. How the heck do you use it? When I ask this, I mean, step by step from the beginning. I download a CMMOS mod...where do I put it? I've tried all the places I can think of, and I'm not getting any more options here...the readme apparently assumes a bit of knowledge about the way it works. I used the CMMod Manager and had no problems...quick I just got back from a long trip and I've been listening to WWII books the whole way...someone tell me so I can stop worrying about it and go play CM in all it's beauty. :D

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Most CMMOS enabled mods have three components: Rulesets, File List additions, and BMPs with funny extensions on them.

Remove the BMPs with funny extensions on them from any container they are in and copy them into the CMBO BMP folder.

Keep the RuleSets in their folders. The folders will have names like RuleSet001. Look inside the GEM Software Productions folder which was created the first time you set up CMMOS. This folder is completely separate from CMBO (if you happened to put it inside, chaos will eventually ensue). Inside GEM Software you will see something called CM Mod Option selector. Inside of that you will see a bunch of folders, many of which will have names like RuleSet002. Put the RuleSet that you are trying to install into the CMMOS directory so that its folder shows up sitting next to all the other similarly named ones.

Finally, take another look at the contents of the CMMOS directory. You'll notice a folder called File Lists. If your mod happened to come with File List Additions, put the contents of your File List Additions folder (if you have one), or, more simply just put any stray File Lists inside the File List folder in CMMOS. Do not put any folders in the File List folder.

At this point, you should be able to go back to your desktop and click on the red CMMOS icon. One of the tabs that you'll see at the top of the page in CMMOS will have the name of the RuleSet you're trying to install. Click on it. Then you'll see a bunch of icons. If there are no advanced rules involved, click on the icon that you want. If there are options you'll see a screen with blank holes that you put dots in to choose particular options. If there are advanced rules (you can tell because an icon will seem to be repeated in a darkened area), try selecting the advanced rule option first. And if that doesn't work, do it the other way around. Just don't give CMMOS too many commands at once, and never try to run CMMOS while CMBO is still running. (If you start a scenario, realize you need to make some visual changes, shrink the screen, apply the appropriate CMMOS mods, and go back to CMBO, nothing will have changed. You have to get out of CMBO to make it work).

Hope that helps.

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So to make this simple then, I take the mod, unzip it and put the BMPs into the filelists folder? You went into rulesets there, and I'm not seeing rulesets anywhere here in the mods I've downloaded. for instance, the "buildings_Mike_Duplessis_CMMOS_hr" mod has a bunch of BMPs named "xxx_md.bmp" in other words, no funny extentions...do I just copy these to the CM BMP directory? The only other files are a description.txt and info.txt. What do I do with these? Yes yes, I know I'm a moron, but I've been driving for 14 hours today, bear with me.

[ March 06, 2002, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Wolfpack ]

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A file named 1234_md has a funny extension. In its natural state it would just be named 1234.

The bmps go into the CMBO BMP Folder. Don't put anything else except bmps in the BMP Folder.

The file lists (if any) go into the GEM Software Productions/CMMOS File List folder. The ONLY thing you will see in the File List folder is a bunch of text files. Don't put anything except file lists in the File List Folder.

The RuleSets go into the GEM Software Productions/CMMOS folder along with the other RuleSets.

I haven't gone into the contents of a RuleSet folder, but don't worry about it. Just keep the contents of a RuleSet folder inside that RuleSet folder. Do not, for example, decide to look inside a RuleSet folder and notice that there are icon bmps and then copy them to...wherever. Leave the insides of Ruleset folders for some day when you haven't been driving for 14 hours. And with any luck you'll never need to go there.

There are a few cases where you already have the RuleSet installed and there is no need for File Lists additions. In that delightfully simple case all you have to do is copy the bmps with the funny extensions to the CMBO BMP folder. However, this is assuming that you have downloaded and installed CMMOS in the first place.

As an example, if you download one of the Field and Stream grass textures, you will see neither RuleSets nor File List Additions, just bmps with funny extensions. But in order to get the thing to work you will have to have already downloaded the RuleSet and File List additions. The Field and Stream Readmefirst file has an explanation of some of this.

[ March 06, 2002, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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