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Tank crews are VERY angry


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These forums are great. I really appreciated the examples (both game tests and historical references) posted in this thread.

While I'm not tanker I can speak, for what it's worth, to playing a tanker in a sim. In Panzer Elite there's a mode that limits the player to using internal views. When your hatch is open that's no problem at all but once you're under fire it's a real bitch sorting out targets and figuring out where all the damned noise (IE the shells bouncing off your armor) is coming from. Once you don't have movement you can't achieve objectives meanwhile bits and pieces of your beloved tank are getting shot off. It passes through your mind that if you could get out of this damned tank you'd be a pretty small target and could sneak away, maybe...

Factor in RL things like fire, acrid smoke, heat, screaming of the wounded and confused shouting - and the 140 db ringing of shells, and I can see where bailing out might seem like a great idea even in situations where, on paper, it might be a better idea to stay inside.

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