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AI and operations

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A quick question regarding the AI. It seems to do a decent job except after the first battle in an operation. I've notice it seems to move its forces generally perpendicular to the axis of attack after the first battle. More than once it felt like a shootin gallery as the marched across my defenses. The only real danger was from the artillery. In McKinley Battalion I watched several Panthers drive along a road perp. to my deployment, exposing thier flanks to my AT gun. Nice parade turned into a fiery parking lot. Not much fun.

Is this typical of the AI? Any suggestions on good scenario design concepts to help improve the AIs efforts?


Dan in Houston

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to enable the AI to make a good attack is a hard task.

In one of my scenarios, I needed around 30 playtests before the AI advanced in a more or less decent way.

Two things come to mind: Flag placement and map layout.

The AI usually goes direct for the flags, so separate them (and use at least 3 of 'em).

If you like the AI to approach along e.g. two axis, offer it two 'juicy' victory point positions. Sometimes, just shifting a flag 20 meters left or right, makes the difference.

The map should be adjusted for the preferred path the AI likes to take. If, for example, you would like the AI to flank a certain hill, 'help' it by placing some scattered trees along the route. But do not make it too obvious, or else future players will know, from where the attack will come.

One other thing is it, to change the "Map edge friendly to" settings.

If for example the germans are defending east and the AI has to attack from the west, make all map edges friendly to the Allies, except the east map edge.

This will give the AI more momentum with the attack.


P.S: Stay tuned for my Axis Mini-Campaign, available soon!

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Fred ]

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Great suggestions, much thanks. In a few operations I have noticed there where no flags in use. Example, the Carentan operation. The lack of flags may explain the odd directions the AI sends its forces. It really tends to reduce the playability of the operation. I have to say I'd hate to face a human using all that US arty, ouch!

The McKinnely operation is another example of no flags and wayward AI.

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in operations, there are no flags. Flags are only possible and allowed in single scenarios.

This issue has been brought to BTS attention, and maybe we have flags in operations in future CM versions.


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Fred is correct. The "problem" with the AI is not lack of flags, but rather operation maps which are "too wide" and therefore leaving the AI too much room to spread out its force. It tends to try to advance on a wide frontage (understandable when you know how the frontlines in CM are calculated for operations), and this may lead to piecemeal attacks and generally a slow advance speed.

Since McKinley's Battalion (the very first operation made for CM - back then in alpha), I've learned that much.

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