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tips on the use of the new cmbb commands?

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In my limited exp. so far, Advance is the MAIN command to use while crossing open ground while under fire- don't you dare use Run b/c your men will be shot to pieces- run is now modeled to exhibit your men taking *vastly* less cover as they move. Run seems to only be good when you are shifting troops around and you *know* some enemy MG can't see you.

I've found that it is very very difficult to spot firing enemy units beyond maybe 200m, so the MGs that were near-uselesss in CMBO will now fire from max.range, pin/break your men, and still NOT be seen, besides a vague "infantry sounds?" marker or something like that.

Advance will tire your men out pretty well. A rule of thumb is to have maybe 2 squads (hopefully plus support MGs and mortars) doing speculative area fire at the sound contacts that your scouting 1st echelon rifle teams reveal. They'll probably hit the dirt while Advancing, but should make it if you put enough fire on the enemy.

It's a BAD idea to use Withdraw/Run for your MGs- note that they can use the normal Run to move around when not under fire (see above) but the morale hit they take while Withdrawing, coupled w/ the fact that they can now RUN, albeit slowly, means that they will probably get Exhausted- a condition that takes *many* turns to recover from, besides the fact they they are probably "!" i.e. rattled from breaking.

I haven't used Assault yet, so I can't comment.

Move to contact is good...keep in mind that if you use it to cross open ground, your men will stop when they see *anything*. The standard Move command is better if you want to avoid that. You can alos "follow vehicle" if the vehicle is w/i 50m.

hope this helps,


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Assault is very tiring, so you can usually only afford to use it for very short distances. I did some tests on this some time ago, and (from memory, so it could be off) a fit rested squad will get "tired" after 90m of assaulting over open ground (no incoming fire). With advance you can cover twice the distance before getting tired.

When tired, the movement speed for these commands is reduced.


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As for the assault command I have only used it sparingly and only when the enemy is pretty heavily thrashed! Don't try it unles you have alot of cover fire becuse if the enemy suddenly pops up out of cover while your men are charging across the open....well you know what happens. Having said that it is a great way to deliver a coup de grace and maintain a speedy advance! also in urban environments I use it all the time to rush across streets etc.

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I rarely use advance now. It's slow and tiring. It's the best command if you are going to move while taking fire, but, trying to move while taking fire (particularly in the open) is not a great idea.

My favorite new command is "move to contact". If there is firing going on in the vicinity your squad will stop, so once a fight has started it's not useful. It's great if you want to assault woods, etc.

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