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Massed tanks--realistic?

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Thanks for all the additional good advice, guys. And Echo, Ubermenschen have no use for amusing concepts of "right" "wrong" "Geneva Conventions" and other antiquated Ami ideas. With the tactics of all my new-found friends, you will taste hot Krupp steel, schweinhundt. Tastes like chicken, I hear.... : )


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If your opponent loves his tanks. (IE he would spend over a half his points on em), then take extra schreck or zook teams. If there is one thing tanks hate it's zooks/schrecks. Plus a couple os sharp shooters for the commanders.

If he has some infantary as well, use your tanks against them. It's pretty good odds that if he spends S*** loads of pts on tanks he won't have to much in the way of inf. let alone tank busting infantary.

So try to get your tanks against his infantary and your zook teams against his tanks. It may sound weird but I've done it once or twice with great results. When your opponent sees enemy tanks he'll probably charge em with his tanks. Forgetting you may have AT teams littered across the field.

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