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Smoke, Artillery, and Pillboxes

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Hi all. I got the idea from reading a post here to fire smoke at an enemy pillbox so it will stop killing all of my troops, but at the same time, I don't want my artillery spotters LOS to be blocked by the smoke.

When a spotter is targetting a pillbox, and the timer is counting down until the shells start falling, would the artillery fire be interrupted by also having a mortar fire smoke at the pillbox?




"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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I don't see why it would,the accuracy of the artillery may not be as good since the spotter may not be able to adjust the fire.

It would make more sense to use the artillery followed by the smoke just to ensure you don't "accidently" take friendly fire.

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