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Singling(sp?) Shootout Questions *spoilers*

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I'm new to this game, just started playing it the other night, so I chose Singling for a short mission (wasn't ready for a 70 turn monster quite yet!).

Anyway, I chose Axis and after a short reality check of the town, allowed the Allies to make the first move, then proceeded to "herd" the column into killzones with the 81mm arty, then broke them up with the 210mm missile battery.

Sure enough, Allied assault broke into disarray, dispersing all over the place in the wheat field.

I split my armor into two pairs, each consisting of a Panther G and a StuG III, and proceeded to clamp them down with a long range pincer.

The StuGs, using building for cover, laid down supressing fire on the Shermans, and the Panthers hunted into a couple of good hull down positions and picked them off one at a time. Shermans scored solid hits on the StuGs and took them both out, but the 2 Panthers wiped out 7 Shermans in the same period of time. The remaining armor of about 5 tanks tried to come up the middle, but two fell to some hidden infantry as they strolled by and 3 got knocked out by the pillbox.

Once majority of the armor threat was over, I unhid the MG emplacements and shredded allied infantry into pieces as they tried to rush the town. Wasn't pretty.

Allied reinforcements consisting of 4 tanks wasn't even a challenge for the Panther Gs. All 4 died before they got close to the first house.

End score was like 6 to 93 or something.

Anyway, needless to say, Singling is a highly defensive position. My question is, how should I proceed if I was playing Allied against another player defending the town?

Some advice is needed before I start the PBEM game tonight =) Thanks in advance.

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