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Bazooka Power in CMBB

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Alot of talk has circulated about up gunning the MG's and rightfully so, but i come with a question about the bazooka family or weapons.

In CMBO they seem to be over modeled, as Jason C stated in a very nice post and i happen to agree with him. Will the Bazooka's and other small anti tank weapons be toned down some?

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Um, I don't think there are a whole lot of bazookas on the eastern front. And my comments were about the bazooka in particular - I think 80-85mm at 0 degrees rather than 90mm would be more nearly right. Yes, there are more general questions about HEAT penetration, but they are very hard to settle, because non combat tests report wildly varying results, and it is rarely clear why. Combat reports do not report wide variation in the "up" direction, particularly against angled plates. My advice is to tweak only when there is a clear preponderance of combat AAR evidence that something was usually not possible, but the game makes it routine.

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Originally posted by JasonC:

Um, I don't think there are a whole lot of bazookas on the eastern front....

I cannot speak for the availability of the weapons in CMBB since I am neither a beta-tester nor has there been a mid-Atlantic sneak peak. :(

However, the United States did supply the USSR over 8,000 bazookas through lend-lease. Unfortunately, there is little information to the Soviet deployment of these weapons. The British also provided some PIATs and Boys ATRs.

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The Russians did receive a couple of thousand of bazookas and PIATs from American and British Lend Lease but they appear to have not been widely used by the Red Army. The Russians also developed their own anti-tank rocket weapon but it finished developement too late to see action in the war. As the Red Army got closer and closer to Germany, they found or captured plenty of panzerfausts and they used them against German tanks. Apparently, the panzerfausts were just as useful in taking out German tanks as they were in taking out Russian tanks.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

I'd love to see what happens to a decent tank under a hail of 14.5mm T rounds!!

I would too, hopefuly nothing much happens to a "decent" tank by these weapons.

I'm just worried about play balance, and not in the fact of what it seems. I think the scales are tipped un necesarirly in the Allies favor in CMBO because of the way the MG-42 is modeled and the way Bazookas are modeled, and HEAT rounds are generously given out at certain time periods as JasonC has stated. Also the Over all armor quality rule i disagee with. I don't think every single Panther should have defective armor.

I hope alot of these traits don't carry over into CMBB

[ July 16, 2002, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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