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Grafenwohr Scenario

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I've actually completed it, so this isn't a "How do I win?" thread. Actually, I'm more interested in people's expierences with it, quality and/or level of victory's against it. I know for some the AI is a pushover, and granted most of the time it can be duped fairly well, but I'm trying to determine if I just executed this attack poorly, (I got mostly my entire company to the far eastern edge of Highway 62 and swept West, but despite managing to pull a Major Victory out of the scenario, most of my main assault force was fairly mauled.) or if heavy casulties is just par for the course on this map.

Thanks for any input.


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Aslong as you need your MG42's back on the hill, suppressing the inf (might get some kills too) you can sneak your mortars up the middle marsh and then you can get the nasty guys hiding in the corners with HE while your infantry attack the flanks. This worked for me and I got minimal casualties. The trick is to take the vickers out of the picture.

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