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colateral damage

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with all the great sound and ground explosion

effects,why don't we have vehicles exploding or a body of a troop vaporizing off the map when a shell gets a direct hit on him or it?

Maybe I havn't played enough yet:but I seem to see a pattern of the old tilted /knocked out vehicle.that's okay a majority of the time but once in awhile you'de like to see a tank turret xeplode like a roman candle.

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Collateral Damage -- definately...

My first experience with tanks was taking on a friend in the second scenario of the demo version. I knew that he had an anti-tank gun up in a bunker on the hill so I maneuvered my Shermans to my far right flank. My two tanks, while avoiding LOS of the anti-tank gun (75mm) got a little bit too close to the woods and a lone Panzerschrek unit took out both tanks from about 120m away (nice shots). My first tank exploded into flames instantly killing the bazooka team that was hitching a ride on it. My second tank faired slightly better being only knocked out and the MG team that was on the back got off an avenged the death of the tanks on the Panzershrek...


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Yes,yaba...I've had plenty of those situations as well,where one of my(or the enemy) vehicles gets lit up and burns.But i'm talking about tank turret decapitating shots where the turret blows skyhigh and lands near or somewhere else on the map.Or totally blownout vehicles or remnants of squads or crews unlucky enough too have a 105 shell score a direct hit on thier position and be vaporized off the map completely?!!


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the mostest"

:Nathan Bedford Forrest

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