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1st DFDR Operation: 'The Last Rout'...

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Well, the op. is 8 battles of 15 turns apiece. Every 4th battle is nightfall and the choice to engage after dark is up to the Axis player. It's deliberately difficult to win as the British (especially against a human opponent) as it covers a desperate, suicide mission defense to hold up the Axis advance to El Alamein.

I'm really looking for some people to dbl-blind it and give their perspectives about human vs. human play as well as vs. the AI.

I'll send it to you today. If you've got some tried and true PBEM buddies, make 'em give it a whirl with ya.

As far a critique goes, I'm looking for your opinions on the following:

length of the battles: Can you advance as the Axis too quickly or is there not enough time to meet your advance goals? Do the length of the battles add to Allied player's woes?

play balance: Is it just bloody impossible to stave off the Axis attackers as the British? vs. a human Axis player and AI Axis player. (remember, it's supposed to be hard as the Brits, not impossible). As the Axis player, do you find yourself steamrolling over the Allied defenders (both human and AI)?

force mix. Although the mix is as accurate as I can make it, if things are too rough for the British (or too easy for the Germans), please make suggestions to balance the mix. Even if it's just one more piece of equipment that might make all the difference for the Allies or one less piece that might slightly blunt the Axis assault.

Anything else! Any suggestions at all about the terrain, the startup zones, the weather, or anything else you can think of!

I appreciate if Griffin! I do have a devoted cadre of six playtesters for DFDR now, but I seem to have got their number and know how to meet their expectations. I'm lookin' for new blood to toss into the mix.

Keep an eye on your in-box!

[ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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