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Counterpunch at Saint Aignan de Cramesnil

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The player get´s it all smile.gif

That must be coincidence. I´m making my fist attempts at scenariodesign and just on the same day Frank and I am publishing a scenario dealing with the same subject.

I just sent it out to Gregory (Mensch) Mudry and it will soon be published at "Der Kessel"


Until Grego finds the time to update the "Kessel" page you can grab it here:


OK, this is a real big bad scenario, might be too big for some machines.

Best played as germans against the AI.

Here´s the briefing:



-Operation Totalize-

Counterpunch at Saint Aignan de Cramesnil

8th August 1944, South of CAEN

Type: German Counterpunch (Historical)

Date: August 8th, 1944

Location: Saint Aignan de Cramesnil, south of CAEN, Normandy

Turns: 60

Weather: Clear

Number of Battles: n.a.

Map Size: HUGE ! [2000 x 2500 metres] SLOWS DOWN LO-END SYSTEMS CONSIDERABLY !!!

Forces: Canadian/British/Polish/German

Version number: 1.03

Author: Helge "The DesertFox" Bertram

Feedback: thedesertfox@gmx.net


By noon of August 8th, the Allies had generally reached the objectives assigned for Phase 1 of Operation Totalize, which began at 23:30 on August 7th. The objectives of Totalize were of pivotal importance to the campaign in the West and if executed properly, the Operation could seal the fate of the German forces now trapped in the Falaise pocket. The only 'sag' that had developed in the allied advance during Phase I, formed on the western wing of the front, near Caillouet. However, the German resistance in this area was soon to be smashed by a renewed assault by combined allied forces.

Thanks to aerial bombardment by more than 1,000 bombers, the concentrated action by more than 600 tanks and more than 700 artillery guns, the superior Canadian/British forces compouned their previous successes and secured their Phase 1 objectives. They had managed to break through the positions of the 89. Infanteriedivision at a width of approximately 6 km. The Infanteriedivision, recently moved into the position, was without its Panzers and heavy mobile antitank weapons. The brittle and under strength German force crumbled under the weight of the massive combined assault.

As scheduled for Phase 2, the allied advance would resume from their now established positions near Gaumesnil, Cramesnil and Saint Aignan, into the depth of the terrain along the Caen-Falaise road. They were close to success in an Operation that could destroy the brunt of the German forces in France. Only refitting elements of the 12.SS-Panzerdivision could be deployed to assist the German defenses. These lone elements would be responsible for throwing back the combined Canadian/British Operation and maintaining some stability on the ever weakening German frontline.


- Hubert Mayer "War diary of 12th SS Panzerdivision" Fedorowicz Publishing

- Patrick Agte "Michael Wittmann and the Tigers of LSSAH" Fedorowicz Publishing

- Ken Tout "A fine night for tanks" Sutton Publishing

- Michael Reynolds "Steel Inferno" Sarpedon Publishing

- Will Fey "Panzerkampf im Bild" VGB-Verlagsgesellschaft

- 1/25000 map 16130 Series Bleue "Bretteville zur Laize" IGN

Scenariodesign: thedesertfox@gmx.net

Play testing and design assistance by: The Sturmgruppe.

Many special thanks go to Kris Handshin and Dick Reece for their efforts and testing.

Thanks also to all other members of "Die Sturmgruppe" for their help and assistance.

Difficulty level: Difficult as Germans vs AI.


likely to be very difficult as Germans in PBEM. USE AT OWN RISK !

Best played as: AXIS vs AI


Der Kessel - Home of "Die Sturmgruppe"

-Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission-

[ http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html ]


[This message has been edited by TheDesertFox (edited 11-08-2000).]

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Yep, I love Frank´s Stoumont campaign, it´s top notch.

Well, Cintheaux is my first one, I never bothered with scenariodesign before, but the realistic terrain features of CM made me curious to know how the terrain of this battle might have looked. So I decided to create the map basing on a 1:25000 topo and various published sketches from Ken Touts "Tank!" and "A fine night for Tanks", Patrick Agtes "Wittmann", Will Fey´s "Panzerkampf" and Hubert Meyer´s war diary.

That´s how it all started.

I hope I have mailed it to everyone who requested it. I was kinda surprized of the feedback. You guys are really hungry biggrin.gif

For everyone I forgot in my mails, here´s the URL to grab it, until Grego finds the time to update the "Kessel" page. http://www.geocities.com/desertfox1891/CombatMission/scens/Cintheaux-Totalize.zip




Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

- The DesertFox -

Email: TheDesertFox@gmx.net

WWW: http://www.geocities.com/desertfox1891

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