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Late War Winter Heer mods

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I'm posting this here because I've searched and searched and I can't find the guy's email address. My question is about Andrew's late war winter Heer mod. Do I have to change uniforms for each type of infantry ( mountain, Pz. grenadiers, regular infantry ) for each game? What I mean is: in one game I'll use mountain infantry, the next game I may decide to use Pz. grenadiers instead. Is it nececessary to unzip the mod & change the bmps for each game if your using different types of infantry but all within the same time period ( late war winter with snow ). Sorry, this about as clear as I can make this right now.

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All necessary files are in the mod set, there is no need to swap anything out as mechanized and mountain troops use (some) distinct bmps that are included and will be used when those forces are selected.

Maybe you're getting confused with the different uniform sets--the three versions contain all necessary bmps for all Heer troops, so choosing between them is a matter of personal preference.

Hope this info helps. My e-mail's in my profile, btw. smile.gif

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