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weirdest infantry behavior i've seen in cmbb!

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this is strange. a friend and i are playing pbem. it's a very small inf battle in a town. my platoon hq is hiding in a building and suddenly a german squad appears, runs past my hq(comes within a couple of meters while doing so), goes out of the building, then kneels down 6 meters from the hq, facing away. all the while my hq is blazing away at the apparently deaf, dumb, and blind squad. they never turned around and fired back. at the end of the turn, i had caused only 1(yes 1!) casualty(only had 2 guys in the hq, one pistol, one rifle. total fire power at 40 meters is only 13), and the germans were still oblivious to the hq's presence. i don't know whether to laugh or be insulted! lol.. anyone interested in viewing this movie, give me a holler and i'll send you the file and pw...

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