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Need help for upcoming mod

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Hi Guys

I'm curently working on a new mod that will feature all small arms in CM (the hardcoded ones excluded, of course). work is progressing steadily, and the result isn't too crappy either. ;)

So far, however, I've been unable to find quality color pictures (side views) of the Browning M2 .50 caliber and the Vickers MMG.

If anyone has what I need, please contact me or send me some photos. You'd get your name mentioned in the readme, and my eternal thanks, too.

Now, for some preview pics: I don't have any...

At least not on the board, cos I've had it up to here (*points at region just below the nose*) with these photo hosting sites I used to use, so I sent some Work-In-Progress pics to Pawbroon's Mods And Modders.

Thanks in advance,


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Originally posted by Mr. Johnson--:

sorry I can't help, but I hope you offer lots of versions of both Machine guns.

The way it's looking, I'm not sure they'll be included at all. :(

Funny, cos I've got MG-42 versions to spare.

Originally posted by Jussi Köhler:

Here are a few sites I found with some pics...


Thanks Jussi, but I've already visited those sites, and plenty others as well. Guess I'm very picky. But that's only a good thing.
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Since the topic seems on the verge of petering out, I'll do my part to unravel it a little further. Say Juju, maybe you can help me with this since you work on the mods. Since I switched from a Voodoo5 5500, first to a GF3 Ti 5000, and now to a GF4 Ti4600, I've noted either a green or a silver edge tinge to the machine gun small arms bmp's, tank treads, even the barbedwire, anywhere there is a silver or silverish color used. It shows up just on the very edge of the object trace. The tinge is either green in summer or silver in winter. Vary strange, and the only thing I can think of with regards to the summer vs winter aspect of it is the background bmp for the horizon. Any ideers? Thanks, and love your work. (Shameless patronization in the hopes of assistance). :D

[ March 11, 2002, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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Hi Bruno. A Couple of months ago I got me A GF3 TI200. Never noticed what you mentioned before, but while working on the small arms mod I did notice something similar: Very thin lines on the edges of some of the BMP I was working on.

Come to think of it, ever since I have this card there sometimes is a thin greenish line on the very edge of the screen and/or just along the interface.

I didn't test it yet, but I have a very vague hunch it may have something to do with Anti-Aliasing. Do you have that on?

I have yet one other idea, but that's kinda wild, so I'd better test it out first. Something to do with photoshop layers. I'll let you know if I find anything.

[ March 11, 2002, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: Juju ]

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Hot diggity. Someone understands me. smile.gif It's usually lonely in here. :(

Yes Juju, I do use the AA. I'll fiddle with that and see if it makes a difference. However, I get that slim green or silver tinge even looking at the raw bmp in MSpaint.exe, and KODAKimg.exe. Same thing your identifying. :confused:

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Hot diggity. Someone understands me. smile.gif It's usually lonely in here. :(


Let me get this straight: you open paint, you open a BMP and even then and there there's a silver edge?

I was speaking in strictly in-game terms. What you're experiencing is definitely not normal, and I haven't seen that particular 'glitch.'

What operating system do you use? Which drivers (I use the 2720 on a 2K machine)? Have you tried alernate drivers?

Maybe you should post your problem on the tech forum as well. I believe Schrullenhaft actually lives there, and if he doesn't know...

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My boys will give your Tommies hell for that. ;)

But thanks for the praise, Ed.

Anyway, I've finally found me a decent M2. You boys will like the result.

Now, one final time: Vickers, anyone?? smile.gif

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Yes, even in paint I see the green edging.

It is a PentiumIII Coppermine, 733mhz, 256meg RAM, GF4 Ti4600 with the 2750 drivers, Win98SE, Tyan Trinity400 Mobo, Via 133a chipset.

However, remember what I said. This only happened when I switched from a Voodoo5 5000, to the GF3 Ti 5000, the other configurations remain the same.

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