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Peculiar units in DIY scenarios / Market Garden

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Last night I did some research on Market Garden, and learned that some of the German units were a little peculiar.

There were, for example, many German paratroop units in the area, but they did not have the usual weaponry. Another group was in fact a bunch of demoted Luftwaffe officers from Southern Italy. Yet another group was a rag-tag team of German paratroopers, but they didn't have many weapons so many of them used weapons kindly supplied by the R.A.F. before the airborne landings.

When designing a scenario, is there any way of "tweaking" the squad definitions? (I don't have my copy of CM yet, I live in Canada you see... our Customs people don't know that the Free Trade agreement was supposed to bring down barriers to entry).

I noticed there were a couple of companies equiped with captured French armour, Renaults in one case (6 tanks destroyed quickly by the Allies), in the other B1 Bis refitted with flamethrowers. That could have been fun, maybe when CM3 comes out we will be able to play this type of thing. I think I will replace the Renaults with PzKpfw IIIs, I don't know about the B1 Bis -- Hetzer Flamm?

I would be curious to learn what is possible with the scenario design tools that come with CM.

Also, this is probably a complaint, but there were A LOT MORE horses, buggies, and carts during WWII as computer games seem to consider, I for one think it's too bad they didn't account for this in the game.

Are there bicycles and motorcycles in the game? Every major German unit had some, I think.

I don't know what to do with HQ units, they had soup kitchens, etc. I think I will just leave those out altogether.

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There is one ex-French tank included in the full version - the Hotchkiss H-39. For the "grab-bag" or unusual units, they could be more or less accurately portrayed with low quality Wehrmacht or Volkssturm troops.

Good point about horse-drawn wagons.

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