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Accident or Intentional? (Possible Spoiler)

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Jaegermeister spoiler












My SU-152 had targeted this Tiger which was moving to the left at speed. It fired and destroyed the building in the foreground and was reloading at turn end. I assume this was just an over eager crew (regular quality) but it could have been an intentional way to get a clear shot, OK maybe not but I thought it was interesting. The friendly squad hiding in the building at the time was not pleased :eek:


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I saw things like this from time to time in CMBO. The first and only time I ever played CE, one of my Shermans took the corner off a building some of my own men were in trying to get at some Germans up on the hill.


[ October 01, 2002, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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