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Design questions

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I've come up against several minor problems in the design process that I hope someone can help me with them.

Is there a way to order a unit(s) to delay movement until a specific turn and then move?

For example: A truck unit needs to sit next to a building to simulate loading, then after a set period of time depart towards the exit edge of the map. The unit starts the scenario on the map. What happens now is that at the first sign of an enemy unit(s) they bug out. Now I know it sounds like nit picking but I'm trying to simulate a fanatical unit waiting until the last minute. Oh, and the way I've set up the scenario there are plenty of units to defend the trucks.

How do I design a tile? I would like to make the following:

A road/rail crossing at a 45 or 90 degree angle.

A bridge approach so that I can run a road over a railroad without having to depress the railroad (which is not prototypical in most cases).

Factory Smokestacks and commercial buildings with such "accessories" as loading docks/door.

Different types of fortifications which can be combined to simulate the Siegfried of Maginot Lines.

Thanks for "listening"


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Is there a way to order a unit(s) to delay movement until a specific turn and then move?


Based on your example, it looks like you are trying to script in an event. Unfortunately the AI has complete control over the AI controled side once the scenario starts. And that unarmored truck is going to get out of dodge as fast as possible.


How do I design a tile? I would like to make the following:


You can't. But there are some work arounds.


A road/rail crossing at a 45 or 90 degree angle.


Try (each / or \ represents a tile)

rail \/ road

road /\ rail

That will look pretty good.

Also try the paved/dirt road crossing (the one with a dirt road running north-south while a paved road runs east-west (or vis versa)). The paved road strongly resembles tracks at a distance.


A bridge approach so that I can run a road over a railroad without having to depress the railroad (which is not prototypical in most cases).


Not sure what you mean here. Try the bridge crossing paved road tile (as above, substituting paved road for rail). You can raise the road as an alternative to lowering the RR. I agree that RRs should be as level as possible, but its pretty realistic for a road to go over it (with significant elivation change for the road).


Factory Smokestacks and commercial buildings with such "accessories" as loading docks/door.


By editing textures you can get such "accessories" But every building of that type will have them and they will have no game effect. I do not belive that smokestacks are possible.


Different types of fortifications which can be combined to simulate the Siegfried of Maginot Lines.


Define "different types of fortifications" You've got pillboxes, bunkers, wire, and mines. I'm sure with some combo of those you can do somthing interesting. For the apperence of a large area of concrete (a bunker or whatever) use a paved tile or two.


[This message has been edited by Maastrictian (edited 08-18-2000).]

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