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JasonC, Are You Running A Campaign?

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There's been so many new campaigns popping up lately and I heard you're running one as well. Can you or somebody else give me a link to the rules set and explain how it differs from CMMC?

I've been looking to join one recently but I need to know how complex it will get and more importantly how much time I will need to put into it. If someone in CMMC can tell me these answers for that game, I'd appreciate it as well.

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I can represent CMMC well enough, what do you need to know?

The time varies as to what you want to do within the game.

Same with complexity, if you want to play as a GS02 then better study up on those intel rules, although if you are a BN commander there is little need to do so unless you are curious.

CMMC has a very complete ruleset and is intimidating to look at, what most folks do not realize is that the average player need not know even 50% of those rules to function in the game.

Again it all depends on what you are doing within the game. In fact CMMC's ability to define multiple roles is one of it's strengths.

Anything else?

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Maybe you British battalion CO's don't need to study up on the Intel rules, but over in the German camp we study everything.

Deadmarsh: As Priest said it all depends greatly on your position and how much YOU want to put in to it. I'd say at an absolute minimum it requires 5 hours or so for orders, reports and other stuff every turn (a turn is anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the number of battles). If you're commanding a Bn. then you also need to do the actual fighting, which can take many hours when you've got a pair of Regiments fighting (there was one case where we actually maxed out the number of objects allowed in a CM battle).

We're always looking for more players, and the CMMC site's going to be updated soon. Rumor has it they're going to put up some nice Flash movies...

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I said it was not needed, I did not say that it was not done! Big Huge Difference!

Also we have a digest of rules that make the whole process easier over on this side (actually I think the guy who did it for us also sent it "east" also!).

Ah well I think an experienced BN CO can get away with less than 5 hours of orders writing. I know that when I play a BN CO it takes me less than an hour at times (actually between 1-2 hours is norm) and I have been quite "successful" in my CMMC endeavors!

[ 01-21-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>

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Thanks for the info. I'm most interested in the strategic part of the game but I don't have any experience in doing that sort of thing nor am I sure if any of those positions are left. Can you tell me what spots are still available and do you need to know anything other than the rules to be able to handle such a position?

P.S.--What is a GS02? I assume it's some sort of high command position...

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GS02 is Intel officer for either the division or CORP level in CMMC (at least on the Allied side).

Staff positions, or positions that focus on the strategy element are open on within CMMC.

If you would like email me at the address in the profile above and I will forward you to the Head GM.

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I would suggest that if you are interested in the strategic elements, then CMMC has a wealth of gameplaying to offer. In the forthcoming updated CMMC webpage you will see the game described as an "Operational Exercise." I would submit that at least 66% of player time is devoted to the strategic aspects of CMMC. This is represented by discussion of Corp/Division/Brigade strategy, Intelligence Report development and review; development of orders for each turn at all levels, requests for artillery, requests for air assets, requests for reinforcements, requests for supplies, requests for bridging materials, requests for armour--- you get the picture. In addition to this, there is the usual banter at the Officer's Club. These communication elements are done on limited-access forums reprensenting radios/telephones and the like that emulate a chain of command system.

In sum, CMMC is really a strategic/operational game utilizing CMBO as the means to resolve engagements. It is an excellent melding of both worlds. I would recommend it highly to ANYONE interested in spending 4-10 hours weekly of CM-related gameplay; gameplay that makes a "difference" in the grand scheme of a Corp-level operation set in August '44.

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