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That old thrill is back!

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To the whole BFC/BTS/KFC Team:

Well done! THe entire time I was playing (no spoilers below) one of the demo scenarios, at had this lump in my throat, and discomfort in the pit of my stomach...

I was scared, I was gleeful, I was miserable, I was shouting at the monitor, waking up my wife.

It was like the old days. Thats my litmus test for whether or not the game is good. Passed with flying colors. Oh man, if I got this worked up over a single scenario, Im afraid of what an op is going to do to me... :-/

Thanks again, you guys give me more entertainment per dollar spent than any other company I have ever done business with :D

Bottom line, this game is cool. And by cool, I mean totally sweet!

[ September 01, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]

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