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Just add the German 250th 'Blue' Infantry division mod to CM Mod Database

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Finally, I got my Blue Division mod finished, with some help from other modders. The mod is the German 250th Infantry Divison, the Blue Division. The mod includes summer and snow uniforms plus readme files with background history on this famous division.

In the future it is possible that Spanish wav files might be available. More on that if/when it happens.

The mod is, of course, at CM Mod Database. It weighs in at a hefty 4 meg.


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Hello , nice job. Not that I am a grog or "nitpicker" for that matter :D but I would like to add that the Spanish badge was on both right arm, and right side of helmet. Now that may be impossible to replicate due to CM mirroring the BMPs I don't know .You can check it on the link below, unfortunately it is in Spanish. http://usuarios.lycos.es/jnroldan/Uniformes.html

[ December 09, 2002, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Belico adalid ]

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Thanks for your efforts Mike T..!

Any plans to do some of the other foreign volunteer units?...i would particularly like the Belgian Walloon unit that started off as a Wehrmacht unit then rose in status to the SS Assault Brigade Wallonia led by Leon Degrelle. They grew a fearsome reputation as a storm unit using surprise assaults.

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I had found that site and using Bablefish was able to translate it. Now please set me know if I failed to replace the helmet. You mentioned that the badge is on the right side of the helmet. I did create a new helmet, summer and winter (in fact two winter helmets). There should be a badge on the right side of the helmet. If I screwed up contact me and I will email you the right bmps.

You are right about the arms. The same bmp is used for all units except, I think, mountain units. They have two bmps for the arms. I was stuck here.

I also put some ribbons and awards unique to the Blue division. The officers have a Falangist badge on their coats.

BTW, have you noticed the boots in snow? It not give them a look and let me know what you think. The snow boots now have treads, depending on the year and type of unit.


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Jagermeister, do you have any websites for the unit? I got the idea for the blues from a WWII uniform book, that and some websites. If you can refer me to sites so I know what the uniforms look like. For instance the Blues had a distinctive badge on the helmet and arms. They also wore dark blue shirt, hence the Blue Division, and dark green gaiters above their boots.

If this Belgian unit has something distinctive about them it might be possible to factor that in.


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Hey Mike I owe you an apology. I was looking at the preview pic at the Mod database and it seemed the badge was not on the helmet , I have not seen the real stuff yet since I am at work, but I will have a deep gander at it at home. So I guess I jumped the gun rather quickly and made an statement ill-informed. You modders are streets ahead of the rest of the pack. Sorry

One question: I know it could be pushing the envelope a bit any chance of making it CMMOS compliant?.

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No problem, I was just concerned I screwed up the mod.

On CMMOS???....very good question. I don't use it myself so I don't know it. There was just posted a great turorial on making a CMMOS compatable mod. I really should take the time and take care of that. I really should since my next mod is a set, well hopefully, of revised sideskirts for turret skirts for various German vehicles. Allowing people to pick and choose which design would be an obvious plus.


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JaegerMeister, the Wallons are doable. I found the information I need to create the patches for them. In fact in my search at lunch I found even more. Give me a couple of days and I should have some convincing bmps for you.


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Buenos dias Mike T. I downloaded the ZIP file and had a look at the mods, I can simply say you did a superb job (yes yes badge on helmet present ;) ). I especially liked the 42 winter set with red stripe on arm to avoid FF. Snow covered boots and falangist insignia(yoke&arrows) are cool also. You included a wealth of info on the 250th as the icing on the cake, I take my hat off. Who knows, I might dip my toes into scenario design, dunno Krasny Bor battle or sumefink if I ever get my hands on reliable maps&OOB

One question: is it possible to portrait a mix of helmet and balaclava for the winter sets?

Call me a moron but I eagerly wait for you to make it CMMOS compliant, I do not want to mess around with the BMPs ,but Thx again for your work anyway

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Great stuff Mike T, look forward to your mods, even using the Blue Division will be great for starters. Hope someone can create some historical scenarios for these units. The Walloons fought at Cherkassy alongside the Viking division as rearguard to the pocket so plenty of potential there. All i know, at present, is they had the Belgian shield on their (left?) sleeve and maybe 'Wallonia' on their cuff titles when they became an SS brigade. Note: i think they also had the Edelweiss badge on their uniforms as they were attached to the 97th Jager div and 100th Jager and fought in the Caucasus mountains too.

Try also these two sites (one shows the Gebirgsjager cap and badge on Degrelle).



edit: the CMMOS option would be great cos we could all easily switch between uniform mods for our favourite units.

[ December 11, 2002, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]

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OK, two good posts let me cover them separately:

Belico adlid, I downloaded CMMOS 4.1 last night and have been looking over the package. I will work this weekend on figuring out the idea and want to get a CMMOS version of the 250th mod.

I was originally going to have two 250th scenarios, conversions of existing ASL battles, with the mod but to be honest forgot to do them. I can restart that. When I get them done I will send them to you. If you think they work I will post them somewhere and make them part of a CMMOS 250th mod.

I learned last night I got the helmet slightly wrong. It should have included the lefthand eagle badge. I can easily fix that the the CMMOS version.

JaegerMeister, the wallons. I found some great sites for SS units. Problem is that they wore camo smocks which for the most part didn't have patches/badges on them. I have to find out if there is anyway to make a SS unit mod distinctive.

Of course the new CMMOS makes some ideas such as vehicle markings more inviting.

One idea I have been revisiting is doing a desert mod for CMBB. It would use some files from the Desert Fox/Desert Rats but mostly new ones. I still have to figure out how to convert a Matilda to British colors.


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oops, edited my post after you posted Mike (see my earlier one with the links added now). The sites show the wehrmacht walloon uniform with sleeve badges (including edelweiss).

Also (ironically) seems upto a 1000 spanish volunteers from the ex-Blue division and others spaniards joined the Walloon division in 1945 as an attached unit.

[ December 11, 2002, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]

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Mike T :Cool!! we can test the scenarios if you wish, Jagermeister invited as well!! (e-mail on my profile). At the risk of being a pain, is it possible to create a combined balaclava-helmet mod?, that would be great , especially for the ad hoc winter gear of 41. I must admit not having a clue ab modding makes me feel like I am free-riding on all this.

Jagermeister: yeah I gues we have pulled up the same search on Google smile.gif , 101 Freiwilligen was the unit's name, apparently they fought till the bitter end. OTOH problem with Spanish sources is that they usually depict uber-troops that would put the Finns to shame :D , kind of biased.

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OK, real quick I am at work and cannot spend much time.

A helmet/balaclava mod won't work. The side of the head is in the face bmps. There is a winter/snow mod for hoods and I have it. Saddly BTS doesnt' have faces for snow only, as they do for uniforms, guns, terrain, vehicles, etc. It should be easily done and I have have asked for it but.....

I will try to remember to email you the snow faces zip tonight when I get home.

What I will try to do is to contact the person that made that mod and get his/her permission to factor it into the snow 250 when I convert it to CMMOS. That will solve the problem. Note however that the faces also are for ALL infantry and vehicle crews. So now we will have armor crews with hoods on.


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