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Italian campaign...

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Hi, Im thinking on asembling a team for a new Italian senario and mod conversion for CMBO... I need a little help, I have been working on sounds and interface... but need a good mod maker... (tanks, infantry, etc...) I have been working on buildings for crete senarios included... Help would be appreciated if interested e-mail me at ju_no54@yahoo.com -- I also still need a webpage so a little html experience would help...

Thanks, "Wolfgang Von Grutz"

Wolfgang is my grandpa.

cousin to Hasso Von Mantuffel.

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So as not to reinvent the wheel...

The DFDR mod currently contains some Italian goodies including:

- conversions for tanks, field pieces, and even MG's

- infantry and crew uniforms

- unit images (for the interface window) and flags

- complete set of .wav file conversions which swap out all the German voices for Italian ones

Much of this work was Rick "Audace" Iacobini's. If you're interested in using any of this, say so and I'll track down his e-mail addie and post it.

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Vongrutz, I had started but never completed an Italian front theater mod for the Combat Mission World site. I did do several Italian scenarios based on the famous boardgame that we cannot talk about. bfamily33 did some vehicle mods and I have Audace's Italian mod, which Clubfoot and I used for our DFDR mod. This includes new speech files, Italian weapons, uniforms etc.

Right now I am working on a Pacific mod but I have no problem with sharing any files you might be interested in.

You can contact me at desertcmt@attbi.com


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