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*new* Grhime City - urban battle

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Type: German armour assault of French-held city by river. Attack on both sides.

Short Description

This is a large battle featuring a split attack on both sides of a wide river. The Germans have heavy armour and lots of infantry. Their goal is to take both banks of the river Ghrime. On the south side is an imposing hill and some outlying buildings. On the north side, however, is the large City of Khrone, a medieval city that has withstood many sieges throughout history. The attacker will find that they will need to take both ends of the bridge in order to have a chance at fighting their way into the city.

On both sides the terrain is relatively flat leading up to the main objectives, providing the German attacker with lots of room to maneuver... and wide fields of fire for the French defender's anti-tank guns if that strategy is chosen.

On the south side, there are two forested hills. The closer one is low but masks the buildings of the Feer Institute, which command the southern approaches to a long bridge that crosses the Ghrime River. Above the Feer Institute is a taller hill that looks down on the rest of the plain and the bridge.

On the northern bank is flat farmland leading up to the edges of the crowded Khrone city. If the attacker chooses, they can also advance up the slower ground of the beach front at the water's edge. This part is protected from fire from the city proper, but it is slow going and vulnerable to artillery.

Once the attacker gains the city itself, they should be prepared for savage fighting if the defender has saved any troops for a last stand. There are six square city blocks that can hide a number of fanatics, plus hide any vehicles the defender has reserved until the endgame. The last objective is the Tetzel Church which rises above the rest of the city.

Basic order of battle

The Germans have assigned their best armour to this attack. But will armour help in the heavy urban fighting to come? The French are also prepared with anti-tank guns, some useful vehicles and tenacious infantry. Both have access to artillery so neither side can afford to dawdle in one place for too long.


The Germans must seize both the south end of the bridge, the north end, the east gate of the city and may have to also achieve the center of the city. The French, if they lose all outside objectives can fall back to the center to hold the major objective, hoping that they have killed enough of the enemy to win on points.


60 moves.

[This message has been edited by Disaster (edited 08-02-2000).]

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